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Community Service
At 246天天好彩, we believe that it is an integral part of student life to understand the concept of helping others less privileged than ourselves and learning to contribute to making the world be a better place for all.

Storm Co is an opportunity for our students to practically live out their God given purpose to Glorify God and Serve others. Storm Co is an acronym for Service To Others Really Matters Company. It provides a practical experience where small teams serve, learn from and encourage individual communities; sharing Gods love by building bridges to all people through adventure in service to others.

Each year teams of senior high school students visit small rural communities with the intent of building a relationship with that community. The week long service trip typically runs a free holiday kids club in the morning and local community service projects each afternoon. Storm Co visits create a buzz of excitement in often small and remote towns.

Our global connections have long established a reputation for continued work in countries affected by natural disasters, poor sanitation, no healthcare and orphaned children. In addition to our annual Storm Co trips senior high school students are given the opportunity to participate in a biannual international Storm Co to Cambodia.

Storm Co is life changing…

鈥淪torm Co is my favourite time of the year. I loved helping the community, growing closer with the people around me, and making lifelong memories. It was amazing to connect with the people we served.鈥

Year 10 Student, Storm Co 2021

2022 – Storm Co Trips (Monto, Injune & Surat)

2021 – Storm Co Trips (Monto, Injune & Surat)